Master Courses
60 CFA
Full Online Course
1500 Hours
As specified in the international Framework, each point stands for 25 study hours organized into videolectures, teaching material, face-to-face seminars and hours dedicated to study individually.

International Sport Manager
Marketing and organization of sporting events - 150 Hours
Elements of international sports law - 150 Hours
Sociology of communication and sports journalism - 150 Hours
Elements of insurance law - 50 Hours
International Diplomatic Organizations and Human Rights - 150 Hour
Business Economics - 150 Hours
Business Management - 150 Hours
Digital Marketing and Web Communication - 150 Hours
International strategies for economic development - 150 Hours
English Language - 250 Hours
Behaviour Analysis Expert
Module 1 - 210 Hours: Facial micro-expression analysis
This module confers the facial micro-expression Analyst Diploma
Module 2 - 210 Hours: Body language
This module confers the body-language Specialist Diploma
Module 3 - 210 Hours: Verbal communication
This module confers the verbal communication Analysis Diploma
Module 4 - 210 Hours: Profiling
This module confers the Profiling specialist certificate
Module 5 - 210 Hours: Graphology
This module confers the handwriting analysis Certificate
Module 6 - 210 Hours: Observation techniques and asking question skills
This module confers a Diploma on observation techniques and asking question skills

Integration, Social Inclusion and Gender Equality Advisor
Module 1 - 150 Hours
The foundations of gender equality and sexual orientation
Module 2 - 150 Hours
Man, woman and orientation in cultures and religions
Module 3 - 250 Hours
Equality techniques and interventions
Module 4 - 150 Hours
Stereotypes as principles of exclusion
Module 5 - 400 Hours
Elements of gender criminology and sexual orientation
Module 6 - 150 Hours
Protection and intervention with victims of violence and discrimination

Health Lifestyle and Nutrion Advisor
Module 1: Chemistry and biochemistry - 150 Hours
Module 2: Anatomy and physiology of the digestive system - 50 Hours
Module 3: Myology and physiology of physical exercise - 150 Hours
Module 4: Principles of nutrition and feeding - 200 Hours
Module 5: Energy requirements and use of nutrients - 200 Hours
Module 6A: Feeding and clinical nutrition - 500 Hours
Module 6B: Nutrition of the developmental age - 500 Hours
Module 6C: Food and nutrition in sport - 500 Hours
Module 6D: Food and nutrition in aging - 500 Hours
Module 6E: Eating disorders - 500 Hours
International Cultural Mediator Expert
Sociology - 6 CFU
Globalization, migration flows, integration, equity
Cultural antropology - 6 CFU
Anthropology of Violence
Pedagogy - 4 CFU
Comparative analysis of the different educational systems
Elements of international law - 4 CFU
Anthropology and psychology of religions - 4 CFU
Birth, life, death, marriage, sex in different cultures
Political Economy - 6 CFU
Economic geography
Elements of criminal law - 6 CFU
Imputability, prosecution, victims' rights
Organization and management - 4 CFU
Operation of communities and management of migratory flows
The culture mediator in the process - 4 CFU
Elements of procedural law
Linguistics - 6 CFU
Cultural mediation - 10 CFU
Intervention techniques, intervention evaluation, planning
Coming soon Master Courses