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International Cultural Mediator Expert

International Cultural Mediator Expert

Sociology - 6 CFU
Globalization, migration flows, integration, equity
Cultural antropology - 6 CFU
Anthropology of Violence
Pedagogy - 4 CFU
Comparative analysis of the different educational systems
Elements of international law - 4 CFU
Anthropology and psychology of religions - 4 CFU
Birth, life, death, marriage, sex in different cultures
Political Economy - 6 CFU
Economic geography
Elements of criminal law - 6 CFU
Imputability, prosecution, victims' rights
Organization and management - 4 CFU
Operation of communities and management of migratory flows
The culture mediator in the process - 4 CFU
Elements of procedural law
Linguistics - 6 CFU
Cultural mediation - 10 CFU
Intervention techniques, intervention evaluation, planning

  • Specification

    60 CFA

    Full Online Course

    1500 Hours

    As specified in the international Framework, each point stands for 25 study hours organized into videolectures, teaching material, face-to-face seminars and hours dedicated to study individually.

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