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Recognitions and Memberships

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World Sports University

The World Sports University (WSU) is a high education institute legally registered in Macau and established under the GAAPSF. The WSU had signed cooperative agreements with various universities, including: QILU University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Science), IJF Academy and others. The headquarters and secretary office of the WSU are located in 3501 University Road, Changqing District, Jinan City, Shandong Province.


International Olympic Truce Center

The International Olympic Truce Centre was established in July 2000 as a joint initiative of Greece and the International Olympic Committee, turning the commitment of the Olympic Movement to promote the principle of Peace into concrete action. The initiative first took form in 1998, with a proposal from the Greek Government to the members of the International Olympic Committee for the institutional revival of Olympic Truce in the new millennium. In December 1999, in a historic decision taken in cooperation with Greece, the International Olympic Committee announced the establishment of the International Olympic Truce Centre. The commitment to the Olympic Truce gained further impetus with the promotion of the concept worldwide through the torch relay that took place prior to the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

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Sport and Sustainability International

Sport and Sustainability International (SandSI) is a non-for-profit Swiss association with headquarters based in Lausanne. Founded in 2017, SandSI seeks to accelerate sustainability in and through sport, aligning its activities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). A global membership organisation, SandSI’s current membership is comprised of sport and non-sport entities as well as individuals representing 40+ countries, across all continents.

General Association of Asia Pacific Spor


General Association of Asia Pacific Sports Federations (GAAPSF), previously called SportAccord Asia-Pacific Headquarters (SAAPH), is a non-profit international sports organization. It was incorporated on 20th November 2014 in Macau as an organization with legal personality and changed name on 18th February, 2018.
GAAPSF was initiated by Mr. Yu Zaiqing、 Mr. Ma Wenguang、and Dr. Che Kuong Hon. With the approval from SportAccord to use the name of SportAccord Asia-Pacific Headquarters, later changed to GAAPSF and began to operate as an official international sport organization after its incorporation in Macau.
GAAPSF also gained the permission and registered with the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China to launch events in China and set up its office in Beijing with activities covering China and Asia-Pacific regions.


International Sport Network Organization

International Sport Network Organization (ISNO) is a no profit organization composed by organizations, based in Switzerland aiming to assist its member around the world.



Limec proposes itself as an established University Institute (Ministerial Decree of 22/09/2016 published in GU n.242 of 15/10/2016) in the academic field both in Italy and in Europe and makes its own contribution to cultural and socio-economic development. The commitment in the scientific field and constant research allow the gradual improvement of the quality of the training programs whose contents are systematically updated in a continuous dialogue with the contemporary world.


European Network of Academic Sports Services

The European Network of Academic Sports Services (ENAS) is an association of higher education sports offices in Europe. It is a non-governmental, international alliance with a common interest in the promotion of higher education sport and physical activity. ENAS was founded in 1997 in Chambéry, France and currently has over 120 members from 21 countries in Europe.
University sports in Europe is organized differently in each country. This diversity makes it important to have common goals. ENAS is the organization which achieves this for Academic Sports Services.
Sport is an integral part of university life. It promotes the social, mental and physical well-being of our students. It contributes to the university education mission by teaching lifelong learning skills such as team work, leadership and community values. It helps attract, recruit and retain students, and helps to stay connected with Alumni. Sport also celebrates talent, excellence and achievements. Our network fosters the development of ‘sport for all’ in our universities.



Since its foundation by UNESCO and a number of international sports governing bodies in Paris in 1963 the goal of the International Committee Fair Play Committee is the worldwide defence and promotion of fair play. The activity of CIFP is aimed at national and international organisations in the field of sports and education, and professional athletes with a special emphasis on children, adolescents and those in charge of training them, namely coaches and trainers. The CIFP has an important educational role to play in supporting fair play, promoting a better understanding of fair play values and preventing adverse behaviour. In cooperation with various national governing bodies such as ministries, Olympic committees, sports federations, media and sports press associations the CIFP encourages and welcomes the establishment of national fair play committees.

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After 5 years of annual meetings with ideas exchanged about the campaigns promoted in their countries and hawing recognised the importance of having a European Body on working Fair Play, representatives from 14 countries decided to create the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) in a Founding Assembly held at FIFA House, in Switzerland, on May 27/28, 1994.
The EFPM is a non-governmental association. Since July 2013, the headquarters of the EFPM has been located at the offices of ASKÖ (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sport und Körperkultur in Österreich). The EFPM is run by the Executive Committee composed of nine members chosen by the General Asembly from amongst its members and appointed for a term of four years from te Games of the Olympiad. The General Asembly is held once a year. 
The main aim of the European Fair Play Movement is to promote Fair Play and Tolerance in the broadest sense (in sports and everyday life) at European level.
The EFPM seeks to achieve this goal by supporting its members, by helping to promate Fair Playcampaigns where sports organisations take the initiative, by cooperating with the authorities to foster Fair Play themes and by faciliating regular contacts between the warious European sports organisations.


International Council Coaching Excellence

The International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) is a not-for-profit, international organization with the mission of leading and supporting the development of sport coaching globally. The ICCE has established a central Global Coaching Office at Leeds Beckett University in 2011 which is now the hub of its global and European activities. The ICCE is uniquely qualified to address its mission because its members comprise the world’s leaders in coaching development. There exists no other international sports body that focuses on programs for the individuals who introduce, teach, and deliver sport daily-coaches.


International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education

ICSSPE was founded in the late 1950s with the aims of maintaining an inclusive perspective on the different disciplines of sport, sport science and physical education, and of furthering a continuing collaboration between them. It brings together a wide range of scientific and professional organizations of various sport branches and disciplines, and creates the possibility for interdisciplinary collaboration. 

International Partnerships of ICSSPE:

  • Associate Status with UNESCO

  • ICSSPE is also a recognized organization of the International Olympic Committee

  • ICSSPE collaborates with the World Health Organization (WHO)

  • ICSSPE and the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) maintain close links through ex-officio representation on each other’s Boards and co-operate in various areas of common interest.

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Fédération Internationale d'education Physique

The idea to create an international Physical Education organization appeared for the first time during the International Congress of Physical Education in Paris (France), which took place between August 30th and September 6th 1900. A ‘Permanent International Physical Education Technical Commission’ was created then, with some of the great personalities in the Physical Education world at the time, among which were: Mosso (Italy) as the President, Demeny (France) Fosseprez (Belgium), Cabezas (Chile), Kier (Denmark), Chryssafis (Greece), Tongres (Sweden). Delegates from 16 countries participated in the commission, whose objectives were aimed at the qualification of university faculty members. The “Institute Internationale d’Education Physique” was created later, during the Odensée International Congress, between July 7th and 10th, 1911. FIEP is a recognized organization of the International Olympic Committee.


International Sport and Culture Association

The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) is a global platform open to organizations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Created in 1995, ISCA is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 261 member organizations, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Its 40 million individual members from 89 countries on five continents represent a diverse group of people active within youth, sport and cultural activities. 

ISCA was created with the purpose of:

  • supporting cross-border understanding through sport and culture

  • promoting sport as a bearer of cultural identity

  • encouraging the broadest possible participation in sports and cultural activities for affiliated members

ISCA is a Recognised Organisation of the International Olympic Committee


European College of Sport Science

ECSS has spread its wings globally over its 20+ years and has grown a vast international audience who are passionate about sport science. We are a non-profit scientific organisation devoted to the promotion and dissemination of multi-and interdisciplinary research in sport and exercise science. Founded in Nice, France in 1995, we have established ourselves as the leading sport science community in Europe, with a truly international demographic. ECSS is governed by the ECSS Charter and the ECSS By-laws. Articles record such information as the college's name, its registered seat and the number of members of the ECSS boards.


EU4Ocean Platform

The EU4Ocean Platform will be a focal point for organizations and initiatives to connect, collaborate and mobilize efforts on ocean literacy. The EU4Ocean Platform will offer a dynamic topic-oriented working environment that stimulates collaboration, exchange of practices and dialogue across the many different target groups leading to the creation of new ocean literacy partnerships and innovative actions, co-designed by organizations and youth.


Union des Associations Internationales

The UIA is an independent research institute and serves as a repository for current and historical information on the work of international associations, including International Nongovernmental Organizations (INGOs) and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs). Today, the UIA also focuses on promoting public awareness of the internationality of these organizations and in representing the collective views of international bodies. UIA collects, hosts and provides up-to-date, reliable information on global civil society and maintains the most comprehensive source of information on international associations, their activities and concerns, and their meetings activities. This wealth of information is made available through the following resources and services.


The International Platform on Sport and Development is a website dedicated entirely to sport and development. It is an online resource and communication tool. was created in 2003, following the first-high-level conference in sport and development in Magglingen, Switzerland. At the event, leading voices in sport, development and politics called for an online community to be created. Since then, The International Platform for Sport and Development has advocated for the role that sport can play in engaging global citizens and tackling inequalities.
The initiative acts as a voice for the sport and development (S&D) community; highlighting news, opportunities, events and sport-based projects from around the world. Visitors to the site can connect with others in the community, share knowledge and discover innovative methods.


Qilu University of Technology

Qilu University of Technology is a public university in Jinan, Shandong province, China. It was founded in 1948 as the Jiaodong Industry School. In 2013, its name was changed to “Qilu University of Technology” from “Shandong Institute of Light Industry”. The university is located in the Western University Science Park in the Changqing District of Jinan.

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Shandong Academy of Science

Founded in 1979, Shandong Academy of Sciences (SDAS) is a comprehensive research institution in natural science, focusing on the research and education.


International Association for Sports ad Leisure Facilities

The IAKS is a global non-profit organization and source of information about planning, design and management of sports and leisure facilities.

We gather the latest findings and in-depth experience from the fields of sports and leisure facilities and (outdoor) exercise spaces:

  • at the IAKS Congress held biennially in Cologne, Germany, together with FSB trade show

  • in international facility tours – in specialized seminars and further training events given by highly qualified experts – in expertise and documents on highly topical subjects, which can be retrieved online

  • in our specialist magazine sb which reports on exemplary architecture, innovations, products and services from the fields of leisure centers, sports facilities, swimming pools and wellness.

IAKS is a recognized organization of the International Olympic Committee, partner of TAFISA, recognized by GAISF and by the International Paralympic Committee.



IHFA International Health and Fitness Association is a worldwide group of qualified trainers and therapists who engage to provide quality education and training programs on health, fitness and sport sciences. IHFA is partner or recognized by (all these recognitions are now extended to ISO):













World Weekend Wellness

WWW is an organization working in partnership with the European commission, partner of the European Week of Sports, member of EPSI and of the #BEACTIVE campaign.
On the 3rd week-end of September, 4,000+ spas, salons, yoga studios, fitness clubs, sport associations in 120 countries open their doors and invite you to discover fun & creative activities to boost your Vitality, Serenity, and Beauty.


The International Pole Dance Fitness Association

The International Pole Dance Fitness Association has been operational since 2007. Today, Pole Fitness is recognized as one of the fastest growing sports in the World, it is referred to as an extreme sport, Pole Fitness is practiced by a range of students including kids, males, females, masters (over age 40) and people with disability.

Hosted by IPDFA, The International Pole Championships (IPC) is the Premiere Pole Event in the Industry. Elite athletes representing their countries on stage the finals division of the world championship.

IPDFA has granted the recognition to all the ISO activities to all its partner:

  • Hong Kong School of continuing Education

  • Federation of International Sport, Aerobics and Fitness

  • Fitness Australia

  • Department of Sport Performance, Beijing Sport University

  • China Aerobics Association

  • Body, Art and Science International

  • Australian Children’s Institute of Sports Medicine

  • Australian Strength and Conditioning Association

  • Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals

©2020 International Sport Network Organization

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